Twin Flower

Directed by Laura Luchetti
Film Movement
96 Minutes
Italian, French
Drama, Coming of Age, Black Cinema
Not Rated
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In a South of Italy full of beauty and hidden dangers, two adolescents, abused and damaged by life, Anna, whose father has been murdered and Basim, an immigrant orphan, escape together towards a new start.


  • Anastasiya Bogach
  • Kallil Kone
DVD Features

Short Film:

Written and directed by Carlota Pereda
Spanish with English subtitles
15 minutes

Sara is mercilessly bullied by her peers for being overweight but a turn of events will soon change everyone's fates in a most alarming fashion.

Sound: Stereo 2.0 and 5.1 Surround Sound

Discs: 1

  • Highest Rating
    "Luchetti's delicate direction with two young first time actors is the marvel of Twin Flower. She touches upon post-me too generation concerns and also immigration issues the country is facing. Kone and Bogach both give soulful and touching performances."
    Dustin Chang, Screen Anarchy
  • Highest Rating
    "Rather than get bogged down in action and conflict, Luchetti allows her characters the room to grow alongside each other with their own internal wars supplying more than enough intrigue until Manfredi finally knocks on the correct door. She has written these two teens with depth and sorrow to make every interaction meaningful towards understanding who they are as individuals as well as a single entity. How do they respond to the kindness of strangers and the anger of others? How do they risk their delicate balance to inch closer and show exactly how they feel? Nothing is rendered easy. The honesty of this truth is what lets Twin Flower shine."
    Written by Jared Mobarak, The Film Stage
  • Highest Rating
    "Bolstered by revelatory performances from its leads, and a timely thematic foundation appropriate to its place and moment, “Twin Flower” (Italian: “Fiore Gemello”) tells a story that’s as nuanced as it is profound. The tale of two runaways on the road, the film is interested in relationships, community, the vulnerable, and the forgotten. And while the core elements of the story might be basic in their assemblage, the complexity afforded to the characters and the universe they inhabit speaks volumes about the steady, thoughtful hand behind all of this. Despite coming from different places and suffering under unconnected burdens, Anna and Basim bond through interconnected traumas tied to their similar predicaments. Their story is the shared experience of humanity, and what it means to exist within a broader community full of castaways and damaged actors. It’s a beautiful idea, and it just so happens to come to TIFF audiences in a film no less gorgeous. "
    Warren Cantrell, The Playlist

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