
Directed by Una Lorenzen
Film Movement
79 Minutes
Not Rated
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Meet the artists who are disrupting the traditional notions of knit and crochet, bringing yarn out of the house and on to the street. Playing with space and environment, YARN follows circus performers, wool graffiti artists and interactive designers as they re-invent our relationship with this colorful threaded tradition. From the seas of Barcelona, to the cobblestoned streets of Rome and back to the angled skyscrapers of New York, Director Una Lorenzen weaves an animated tale of a visually striking landscape layered with stunning graphics, soothing poetry, and a vibrant spirit. This documentary is recommended for University and College courses in Art + Design and Women's Studies.


  • Barbara Kingsolver
  • Highest Rating
    The Village Voice
  • Highest Rating
    "A scrappy but endearing documentary about mostly female artists and a traditionally feminine art form."
    Leslie Felperin, Guardian
  • Highest Rating
    " You have almost certainly never seen a better documentary about yarn than "Yarn."....thread and string should be jealous."
    Neil Genzlinger, New York Times
  • Highest Rating
    " The film offers fascinating insight into what yarn can do in the talented hands of those determined to elevate mere craft to high art."
    Amy Brady, Village Voice
  • Highest Rating
    " Setting out to show the range of expression found in a field of craft it feels is too often dismissed as a trivial women's pastime, Una Lorenzen's Yarn showcases four artists doing things with crochet your spinster great-aunt probably never imagined."
    John DeFore, Hollywood Reporter

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